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Welcome at the Toolshop!

This is the Toolshop project page. The goal of this project is to develop a web-based suite of office tools (spreadsheet, calendar, address book, ...) using Java Servlets and Java Server Pages. At the moment the following modules are available in a first alpha version:

Mailing List

A mailing list is set up to keep you informed about this project. Please subscribe the toolshop-news here.


At the moment the initial version of the modules mentioned above is available via anomymous cvs. For instructions using anonymous cvs to access the repository have a look at the CVS HowTo at To browse the project CVS repository using your web browser click here .

The makefiles available in the cvs repository at the moment will need some manual rewrite to make them run in your environment. The file Linux.def defines the home directory on my linux workstation as the destination of the java class files. Please replace or remove this entry to fit for your environment. If you are not using Linux as your operating system you will also have to rename Linux.def otherwise it will not be correctly included to the makefile.

I'm sorry for this inconvenience and am already working on a rewrite of the makefiles to make the source compile out of the box on any platform. I'm also evaluating the use of a Java-based make tool like ant instead of GNU make. If you have any experience in this field please let me know (see contact information below).


If you have any questions, ideas, comments, wishes, what ever ..., please leave me a message at

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